Let's explore the Explorer

There will be 8 special transactions, each containing a question, created on Ontology Blockchain. Follow the guide below to view the questions on Ontology Explorer and answer them to have a chance to share 500 ONG.

Event Period

Question 1-4: July 6th 9:00 - July 7th 9:00, 2022 (UTC)

Question 5-8: July 9th 9:00 - July 14th 9:00, 2022 (UTC)


  1. For each question, 50 ONG will be shared among 25 random winners, selected randomly from participants who answered that question correctly.

  2. A further 100 ONG will be evenly shared among those who answered all 8 questions correctly.

  3. All participants will receive the EXPLORER NFT for this event. If you have collected all 4 NFTs from the Ontology 4th Anniversary Carnival, then you will receive the ultimate 4th Anniversary NFT. Three 4th Anniversary NFT winners will be randomly selected to receive a further 100 ONG each. More details: Our Very OWN MainNet 4th Birthday


Open the page of the transaction that contains a question. Click on "View Input As", and then click on "UTF-8". The content of the question will then be readable.

Transfer the amount of ONG that corresponds to your answer to the Ontology A- address that displayed in the question. The amount of ONG to transfer, which will not be returned, is very small and is only for the purpose of submitting answers. In this sample, the correct answer is "On June 30, 2018", therefore transfer "0.0001" ONG.

Note: Use ONT ID wallet to participate in the Ontology 4th Anniversary Carnival events, otherwise you might not be able to collect all 4 NFTs with the same ONT ID and therefore not be able to receive the ultimate 4th Anniversary NFT.

ONT ID wallet user guide: https://publicdocs.gitbook.io/onto/guides/app-basics/how-to-register-an-account-on-onto-wallet

Last updated